Monday, November 8, 2010

Math Reflective Prompt

Why can there never be a zero in the denominator? How does the division symbol relate to fractions?


  1. waves30
    there can never be a zero in the denominator because you don't have a whole to start with

  2. Waves 3

    There cant be a zero in because it is a decimal and it relates to fractions because its decimals

  3. There cant be a zero in the denominator because you cant have a part of a whole if there is nothing to begin with. The division symbol relates to a fraction because if you divide a fraction the numerator goes on the inside of the box and the denominator goes on the outside.

  4. Wave 14
    Because if you don't have a whole you can't have parts of it. Because there is a line on the fraciton i just switch the numbers. Then i just move the numerator into the box and the denomanator into he outside. Then i divide.

  5. There could never be a 0 in the denominator because there is nothing that you are starting with and there is no part to share or to collect.

  6. Zero can't be in the denominator because you can't take anything out of the number zero. The division symbol is related to fractions because the line that separates the denominator from the numerator is like the division sign.

  7. The answer can never be zero because if you have nothing you can't have a part of that.

  8. There can never be a zero in the denominator because if you had nothing to start with in the whole, how would you have part of nothing?
    The division symbol relates to fractions because the "-" in between the numbers means "divided by." for example: if you have three fourths, that would be three divided by four.

  9. Wave 26
    There can't be a 0 because it has no parts to start with. It is similiar to it because it also is a slash which means divide.

  10. Waves 18
    There cannot be a 0 in the denominator because you don't have a whole to start with. The division symbol relates to fractions becasue it seperates the numerator and the denomiator which the numerator stands for the divedend and the denominator stands for the divisior.

  11. Wave15- there can never be a zero in the denominator becuse you dont have anything to start with, the divison sign is relate to a fraction becuse that line that sepreats that number is a divison sign

  12. WAVES#25

    There can't be a zero becuase thats the whole number. You need to divid to get the fraction from the decimal.

  13. Waves 17
    A zero cannot be in the denominator beacause there is nothing you can start with you need to have a whole denominator.

  14. Waves 19

    The denominator can't be a zero because the denominator has to be bigger than the numerator . Also you can't take five away from zero. Like five can't divide into zero.

  15. Waves11
    There can not be a zero in the denominator because if you have nothing, you can't take a part of it. Also because the line between the numerator and denominator means divide.

  16. Waves20
    There can never be a zero in the denominator because if you have nothing to start with you can't take part of it. The division symbol relates to fractions when you have two numbers and the line between the numbers is like the division symbol without the dots on the top and bottom.

  17. the reasone there cant be a 0 as a denominator is bracuse there is nothing to start with you can not take a part of it .the divistion sighn is realated to the fraciong there not beacuse one maens divide the other one means whell it's just a line.

  18. Waves5
    the reason why you can not have a zero in the denominator is because that zero is the base of the fraction five over zero is that the denominator is the base so lets say there were twenty kids in the class
    seventeen were late seventeen out of twenty were late and the slash in the middle means division

  19. Waves 16
    You can't have a 0 in the denominator because you can't have a part of a whole if there is nothing to begin with. The division symbol relates to the fractions because the line in the middle of the fractions (“-”) means “divided by”, for example: if you have nine tenths, that would be nine divided by ten.

  20. a 0 can not be on the bodom fraction because you can't take a part of nothing.

  21. waves 28

    There can never be a zero in the denomenator, becuase the denomenator is soposed to be a hole and the numerator is a part of the whole and you cant take a part of zero. the fraction sine between the numerator and the ddenomenator, means "divide"

  22. waves#8
    Because there has to be a number that can be broken down.

  23. you can't a part from nothing

  24. (Waves 25)There can't be a zero in the denominator because how would you solve the problem if there is a zero present a zero no problem.
