Friday, December 10, 2010

Adding and Subtracting Fractions

How do you solve an addition or subtraction problem with fractions when your denominators are not the same?


  1. Waves 18
    First you take the denominators and find the least common multiples. Then you take the LCM and that becomes your denominator, then you multiply how many times you had to get your denominators to the numerators. Then you add or subtract. <3 :)

  2. first you find your LCM for the denominator then you put it as your both denominators. then you can subtract or add your numerators.

  3. Waves 3 if you want to solve by dividing the denominator into the numerator and then the answer would be a mixed number fraction

  4. waves 28

    you find the LCM of the denominators then you multiply the numerator and the dinominator by the number that equls the LCM and then add your NUMERATORS then slide your denomenator under the numerator

  5. you have to fined a comen moultopl then add or subtred

  6. Waves 22 When adding and subtracting fractions you have to change the denominator first. To change the denominator you have to find a multiple the have in common and then you multiply the numerator by how many times you multiplied it by the denominator. Then you add the numerators together and leave the denominator alone. If it is an improper fraction then you have to divide the denominator into the numerator and the remainder is the numerator, if you can simplify it.

  7. waves 30
    first you find the common multiples of the unlike denominators then you look are the like numbers that they share then you see how many times you doubled that # to get the # they share then you times that # by lets say 2 then do the same to the other side add them together and you got the answer.

  8. The way that you solve an addition or subtraction problem when the denominators are not the same, you have to find the common denominator. Then you have to multiply the numerator times whatever number got you to the same denominators. For example if you have a 2 as the numerator and a 4 in the denominator, plus 3 sixth then you have to find the last common denominator for the six and the four. Then after you get the same denominator you have multiply 2X3 to to find the numerator for the first problem. Then you have to do the same thing for the other problem. Then your answer will be 1 whole because you then have to just add up the numerator and not the denominator.

  9. Wave 14

    Step 1.) First you have to find that common multiple.ex. 1/2+1/4=...
    Step 2.) After you find the common multiple you have to add the numerators.ex.1/2+1/4=3/...
    Step 3.) Then you leave the denomanators the same and bring the denomanator down to the answer. ex.1/2+1/4=3/4
    Step 3.) If it is an improper fraction. ex. 3/4+2/4=5/4
    Step 4.) You have to divide the denominator into the numerator. ex.3/4+2/4=5/4. 4 divided by 5 witch will equal 1&1/4

  10. Wave 26
    What you do if the denominators are not the same and you are trying to add or subtract the fractions, you have to find the lowest common multiple and then multiply the numberator by the amount the denominator had to multiply by. Then just add or subtract the numberators ONLY and you have you answer!

    Ex.4 tenths - 3 fifths
    change denominators to ten
    8 tenths - 6 tenths = 2 tenths = 1 fifths

  11. Waves24 If you have a fraction that has a different denominator and you are adding or subtracting you have to look for a common number. Like 4over 5 and 4over 10 you would look for a common number the common number of 5 and 10 would be ten so then you multiply 2x5 and you get 10 than 4x2 and you get 8 what ever you do at the bottom you do at the top. Then you would add and the answer would be 12over 10 and that is an improper fraction so you simplify the answer by dividing the denominator by the numerator and the answer is 1 and 2over10 but you simplify that even more and you get 1 and 1over 5. then that would be the answer.

  12. waves 22 When adding or subtracting fractions with unlike denominators you first have to find the least common multiple or the LCM. When you find the LCM multiply it by how many times you did to the denominator to the numerator. You leave the denominator alone and if it is an improper fraction you divide the denominator into the numerator. If you have a remainder then it is the numerator, and if you can simplify the fraction.

  13. WAVES29- To solve an addition or subtraction problem with fractions that have uncommon denominators, you have to find the LCM of the denominators. After you find it, you have to multiply the numerators by the number you had to multiply the denominator by to get the LCM. Add the numerators together. If you end up with an improper fraction, change it into a mixed number by dividing the numerator by the denominator.

  14. Waves20
    The first thing that you have to do is find common denominators. To find a common denominator you need to find a common multiple that can go into both of the numbers. Next, you have to find the number that goes into the denominator and multiply it by the numerator. Then do the same thing with the other fraction. Once you found the common denominator and the numerator you have to add the fractions together. When adding the fractions, bring your denominator straight down without adding it together.

  15. first you find the multiples
    4:4 so in this problem it's(4)
    then you then you divide and ask how you got it
    what times what di you get for the # so if it's a improper fraoctions you divide the numerator by the denominator.

  16. Please spell words correctly. Your post needs to be thorough. One sentence is not going to cut it my friends!

  17. first you find the LCM. Then you take the least common multiply and it becomes your denominator. Then you multiply the numerator's as many times you multiplied the denominator. then you add or subtract.

  18. Waves10
    you take the denominators and find the least common multiples. Then you take the LCM and that becomes your denominators. Then you take the numerators and just add them together and just drop the denominator down
    EX. 2/6 and 1/3 first change the denominator to six because 6 times 1=6 and 3 times 2=6 so drop the six so far it's /6. 2+1=3 so the answer is 3/6. Simplify it and it's 1/2

  19. WAVES#23

    First you find the least commin mutiple and than you have to mutiple the numerators and than you add. Like this 3_4+4_5=you do this 5}5,10,15,{20}
    your new probelm is 15_20+16_20=31_20 but that is wrong this is the right way 1 11_20. and that is a mixed number How to slove an addition or subtraction problem with fractions when your denominators are not the same.

  20. Waves 7
    1. You have to find the LCM (lest com multiple)
    2.Which is to number that are the same that are multiplied by that number.
    3. Then you take the multiple and multiply it by the numerator and the denominator .
    And then simplify if needed.

  21. waves #19
    first you need to find the common factors of your denominators .when you find the common factor . you multiply the factor with the numenator and also the denominator when you finish multipling you have a new fraction and then you add them or subtract . then you have your answer . if your answer is inproper you need to didvide the denominator in to the numenator . the remainder is your numerator.when your finish you get your answer called a mix number

  22. waves4 First you need to find the LCM of the denominators and then multiply the numerators to the same number you multiplied your denomerator by.One example would be 3/8+ 2/9=
    8=8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72
    9=9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81
    the LCM is 72 so you would multiply 3*9 because you multiplied 8*9 so your answer would be 43/72

  23. Waves#21 When adding or subtracting you got to find the common denominators and when you do you got to do the multiple that can go into both numbers and when you do go back and use the denominator to multiply the numinator to do the fraction and when you do bring it down.

  24. Waves 1
    you must fined a denomanater in comen with the ather denomenater.

  25. Waves 31
    Frist, when you are adding or subtracting you must find common denominators that are the least posible number. Then find how many times the old denominator goes in to the new denominator. After that Mutiply the numinator by the number of times the old denominator go into the new one. Do that process again with the other fraction, add or subtract, and finish the problem. The problem is not completly finished tough. You still got to readuce if posible.

  26. waves6
    First: You must find the LCM of the two unlike denominators.
    Second: You must multiply the the numerator by what ever you multiplied to get the denominators the same.
    Third: You must add the numerators together and drop them down into the answer.
    Fourth: You must leave the denominators alone and just drop them down into the answer.
    If you get an improper fraction...
    First: If you get an improper fraction as your answer then you can divide the the denominator into the numerator.
    Second: Then you will get a remainder after you have gotten the whole number.
    Third: You must bring down the whole number as the whole number in the mixed fraction.
    Fourth: You must bring down the remainder as the numerator of the mixed fraction.
    Fifth: You must bring down the same denominator as the denominator of the mixed number.
    Lastly: You may simplify your answer if possible, or if necessary.

  27. Waves 9

    The way you solve an addition or subtraction problem with unlike denominators is that you take the two denominators and find the lest common multiple. Then the lest common multiple is your denominator and then you add or subtract the numerators and bring the denominator down to your answer.

  28. waves#8
    First you find the least common multiple of the denominators. Next you multiply one denominator by how many times it can go into the least common multiple and multiple the numerator by how many times the denominator can go into the least common multiple. Then you do the next denominator and after that you do the problem. But if your denominator is smaller than your numerator then the fraction is called improper faction. But how to get the the improper fraction to a mixed number is you first divide the denominator into the numerator. After your done solving it, you look at the remainder and that will be the numerator and the denominator will stay the same. Finally you take the number that you multiplied with the denominator to get into the numerator and the number becomes a whole and goes in front of the fraction.
