Friday, April 1, 2011

Whose Circle is Most Round?

After today's investigation on circles, explain what you have learned about circles and how you can tie that into key vocabulary, or language of the discipline, and possibly to formulas for circumference and area.


  1. Today in math I learned that you can make a perfect a perfect circle if you draw and cross and draw the circle around it. I also learned that a radius is the midpoint of the circle, and that the diameter goes all the way around the circle. I also learned how to make sure that your circle is accurate, you use the same method you used to make your circle.

  2. Waves 3

    What I learned about circles today was. That how do you know if it your circle is perfect. I learned if you put a dot in the middle of a circle. And put a string there go around with it and if it goes all the way then you have a perfect circle

  3. I know that a perfect circle is hard to achieve and almost impossible to draw freehand. I know that there are also many ways to find if a circle is perfect or not. You can measure the diameter or radius and if it is the same all the way around it is perfect. You could also make lines in a cross through it and if they are equidistant it is a perfect circle. In short there are many ways to measure a perfect circle.
    Waves 4

  4. Waves #7
    Today in class we learned how to find if a circle is really a perfect circle. We split up into 8 groups of 3 and one of 4 and had to come up with different ways to find out if you have a perfect circle. We all pretty much had about the same idea. To start at the middle dot in the circle and make line going out from the circle an make lines coming out from the middle dot and measure if all the lines were the same length the circle was perfect. Other ways were to take a piece of string and start from the middle and move the string all the way around the circle to see if it all was the same length.

  5. Waves 26
    We learned that circles have diameters which are lines that go straight through center of the circle and they reach from one side of the circle to the other. Radii are half of a diameter which means they go from the center to the outside of the circle. You can check if a circle is a perfect circle with just a straight side! You find a straight side of anything and put one end of it on the center and the other side on the line. Then you hold the spot on the straight line and go around the circle. If the circle's line stays on the same distance of the straight line, you have yourself a perfect circle!

  6. Waves 22
    Today in math we learned that the diameter of a circle is like cutting through the circle all the way. I also learned that to find out if the circle is perfect or not you have to find out if its diameter is the same all the way. If the diameter is not the same you know that it’s not right. The radius of a circle is the line from the mid-point to the “edge” of the circle. I also liked all of the ideas our classmates made up.

  7. Waves 18~
    What I learned about circles today is that there are different ways to make a perfect circle. One way is to take a piece of string & place it at the center point or midpoint of the circle. Stretch the string outward to the edge of the circle. Then, move the string around the circle. If it matched up all the way around, it was a perfect circle. That was how Kelly's group did that. We also learned that a radius is a midpoint that goes to the edge of a circle. Another thing we learned about circles is what a diameter is. A diameter cuts through the midpoint. It's like putting two radii together. Nancy's group also had a good idea. They said that in order to find a perfect circle you had to cut out a circle and fold it at midpoint. Then if the circle does not match up it does not have reflection symmetry. We didn't exactly learn what reflection symmetry means, but I guess it means like a mirror image. (: <3

  8. One thing I learned about circles was how to find whether a circle was perfect or or not in many ways. I learned that you can use a protractor to measure the circle. You can also fold it on the line of symmetry then if the sides line up it is a perfect circle. I learned about what diameter means. It is a line that goes through the center of a circle. I also learned what the word radius means. It is a line that starts at the center point and goes to the edge of the circle.

  9. Waves 10
    Today, I learned about how you can figure out if a circle is perfectly round. I also learned about a radius. A Radius is a midpoint to edge of circle. I leaned about a diameter. If the Diameter stays the same all the way around the circle, you have a perfect circle. You can also use a ruler to measure the length and height, then if there the same it's a perfect circle. My last way that I learned is you draw the diameter intersecting then connect the endpoints together to form a kite, then if the lines are strait you have a perfect circle.

  10. Wave 14
    In math today we learned that the diameter line goes straight threw the mid point. I also learned many ways to see if there is a perfect circle or a not so great one. Radius is half of a diameter which means they go from the center to the outside of the circle. If you have ruler you just simply measure on from top to bottom. Then you go all the way around, and if the measurements are all the same then you have a perfect circle.

  11. Waves #27
    Today on math I learned about circles Mrs. Homan told us "Who can think of a way to check which circle is the most round"? Our group used a protractor to make sure the circle in completely round to make it really perfect. We learned many different ways how to make a circle perfect and midpoints of a circle. We also learned how to make a circle accurate. This helped me a lot.

  12. What I learned from circles is that there are many ways to make a circle. One way to make a circle is if you have a circle on a paper, you can cut it and then fold at the midpoint to make sure that your circle is mathched up like a reflecton symmetry .It is kind of like a moirror. Another way to make a circle is if you get a string and put the edge of it on the midpoint, then you take the other piece of it and start calculating the circle to make sure if it is good or not. The other way to make a circle is to make a cross in the circle and connect all of the point together to make a kite and then you measure all of the side and make sure that they are all even and that one of them is not off. That is all of the ways that we learned how to make a circle.

  13. Waves 5
    I learned a lot today I learned many ways to see if a circle is a perfect circle. I learned if you draw a kite that start from the mid point and all the measurements are the same it is a perfect circle and many others ways some new words.

  14. Waves #11
    I learned all lot about circles today! I learned that there are many ways to find if a random free styled circle IS a circle. One way that I learned to find if it was a circle was Kelly's way, Reese's way, Juan's way, and Evan's way of finding if a free handed circle was a circle. Kelly's way was that, if you had string, and placed it at the center point or midpoint. She stretched the string outward to the edge of the circle and moved it around. Evan's way was that he used the ruler to cut through the midpoint, form one edge to the opposite edge. Juan's way was to draw two intersecting lines through the midpoint. Reese's way made a kite in the middle. I also learned vocabulary today. Radius is the midpoint to the edge of the circle. Diameter means that it cuts through the midpoint like in Evan's example. It is like putting two radii together. Another vocabulary word is equidistant which means (it has it in the name) equal distant!

  15. waves#2

    What I learned today was that you can tell if it's a circle a million ways .one vocabulary word I learned today was. diameter -cut through the midpoint .it's like putting two radii together. Radius-midpoint to edge of circle .how you will find the area is by making Resses example with the kite and the square and triangles.:)

  16. what I learned today was circles. Also how you know how it is a perfect circle. One way you know is if you cut out a circle then you fold it at the mid point if the circle does not match up, it does not have reflectional symmetry. Also I learned that a radius is the mid point to the edge of the circle. The other thing that I learned was you can make a lot of ways to make sure it is a perfect circle.

  17. Waves # 15- I Learned that you can tell if the circle is a complete There was one good example is that If there's a circle you can put a sting in that middle where the dots at and she would swing it outward to the edge of the circle and then she would move the string around if it match is up all they way around its a perfect circle that what Kelly said . I also learned that a reflection Symmetry is like a mirror image. Also a diameter cuts through the mid point it's like putting two ridi together. A Radius is mid point to the edge of the circle. = )

  18. Waves 3

    What I learned about circles today was. That how do you know if it your circle is perfect. Kelly,s group said take a piece of string and they placed it in the middle of the circle and if it meets up all the way then it is a perfect circle. My group said that if we cut a circle and then we show to mirror if it didn’t match up then it was reflectional symmetry. Juan said that we draw 2 intersecting lines through the midpoint. The lines have to be equidistant

  19. Waves 16
    I learned that you make sure a circle is a perfect in different ways. One way is that you use a ruler to cut through the midpoint of the circle, from one edge of the circle to the opposite edge. If the diameter stays the same all the way around, you have a perfect circle. Diameter means- cuts through the midpoint. Another way is draw two intersecting lines through the midpoint. The lines have to be equidestant from the midpoint. Equidestant means equal. We also learned about radius. Radius means midpoint to edge of circle.

  20. Waves20
    What I learned in math today is how to find out if circles are drawn perfectly or not. I also learned that the radius of a circle is the midpoint to the edge of the circle. The diameter is a line that cuts through the mid point in a circle. During the lesson, I noticed that there are many ways to figure out if a circle is drawn perfectly. One way to find if a circle was drawn perfectly is to take a ruler and measure the diameter in different places. If the diameter stays the same all the way around, you have a perfect circle.

  21. Waves 9
    I learned that there is a lot of ways to tell if a circle is round or not. I also learned what Radius and Diameters mean, a Radius is midpoint to the edge of the circle and Diameter means- it cuts through the midpoint. It's like putting two radii together. I learned that there is more than one way to tell if a circle is round. One way was if you took a piece of string and place it at the midpoint of the circle and stretch the string outward to the edge of the circle, then wined the string around to the edge of the circle. If it matches up all the way around then it's a perfect circle. Another way is if you use a ruler to cut through the midpoint of the circle from edge to edge. If the diameter stays the same all the way around the circle, then you have a perfect circle. Another way to determine if a circle is perfect you can use reflectional symmetry by cutting the circle out and folding it at the midpoint. If the circle does not match up it does not have reflectional symmetry.

  22. WAVES#23

    Today on math I learned about circles Mrs. Holman told us "Who can think of a way to check which circle is the most round"? I also learned about a radius. A Radius is a midpoint to edge of circle. I leaned about a diameter. If the Diameter stays the same all the way around the circle, you have a perfect circle. You can also use a ruler to measure the length and height, then if there the same it's a perfect circle. And last Reese’s way, that I learned is you draw the diameter intersecting then connect the endpoints together to form a kite, then if the lines are strait you have a perfect circle.

  23. Waves 31
    We learned diffrent methods of making perfect Circles. One way that kelly thought of was that you take a string, put it in the center of the Cricle or the vertex. And follow the edge of the circle, and to see of it was even along the edge. Another way that Nancy tought of was to cut a circle out, and fold it in the middle right along the midpoint. If it is even when folded on top of each other, it is even. The thrid way that Evan thought of was to put a line though the midpoint and measure both sideds, if even the circle is perfect.

  24. Waves29

    Today from the math lesson I learned that circles can be determined as perfect or not in many ways. For instance, you can draw the diameter(the measure from one end to another that crosses through the midpoint(a point in the middle of the circle)) in two ways perpendicularly. After that, you connect the endpoints of the two segments, making a kite. If all the sides are congruent, then it is a perfect circle. Another way you can tell is if you take a ruler and measure the diameter in multiple places. If the diameter measures the same everywhere, it is a perfect circle. Another way you can tell is by using a string and stretching it from the midpoint to the edge of the circle(this is called the radius, and also is half the diameter). Then you move it around the circle. If the radius is the same all around the circle it is perfect. A fourth way is if you cut the circle out and fold it in half through the midpoint. If it matches, then you have a perfect circle. This way is called reflectional symmetry. There is also many other similar ways to tell, but these are the main ones we talked about today.

  25. (Waves 25)Today in math we learned about circles we were split into eight different groups our task was to find another way to make circles.
    Before the groups began to work three people (including me) drew a circle trying to make it straight but with hand free(single hand) had to draw a perfect circle at least it had to be the size of your hand.
    Each of the groups got something different, in my group tucker and ray found a different way to make a circle tucker's was he used two pro trackers he put together the pro trackers it made a circle.
    Ray used a ruler as he wrote with his pencil he moved the ruler that made a circle.
    Other groups did different than we did for example kelly's group used a piece of a string and placed it at the midpoint of the circle stretched the string outward to the edge of the circle.
    She moved the string around the circle if it makes up all the way around, It was a perfect circle.
    Radius-midpoint to edge of circle

  26. Waves 17

    Today I learned how to measure circles. We split up into to 8 groups with about 3 or 4 people and had to come up with ways to measure a circle which was difficult. What I learned from Nancy was that if u get a piece of paper and you draw a circle at the midpoint and u fold the paper at the midpoint then u can cut it and if the paper doesn't match up with the midpoint then its not a perfect circle. I also learned that u can get a piece of string and place it at the midpoint and stretch the string to the edge of the circle and then spend the string around the circle and if it is the same then its a perfect circle. One other thing I learned how to measure a circle was you can use a ruler to cut through the midpoint of the circle to the opposite edge and if the diameter stays the same all around the circle then its a perfect circle. Now I know some ways to measure a circle to see if it a circle or not.

  27. waves 30
    I learned many different ways to check how to tell if a circle is perfect or not. The most amassing thing i observed was that you can measure a circle by cutting it. after that you folding them but other than that i thought that every thing was normal. i taught that kelly's way was new and that that was a good way to measure. rays way was obvious because he literally coped kelly's. reeses way was creative and had good understanding even for a little kid

  28. I learned that there is a lot to tell if it is a fall cercl. you could ues string. you could also ues a roller and make a kite. i leared what dieamiter means. also what equwaldieameter means.

  29. Waves 5
    I learned a lot today I learned many ways to see if a circle is a perfect circle. I learned if you draw a kite that start from the mid point and all the measurements are the same it is a perfect circle and many others ways some new words. we learned what radius means. i learned that if you take a piece of string. and rap it around something to hold it there. Then if follow the line with the end of three string and the line doesn’t change course its a perfect circle

  30. waves 30
    I learned many different ways to check how to tell if a circle is perfect or not. The most amassing thing I observed was that you can measure a circle by cutting it. after that you folding them but other than that I thought that every thing was normal. I taught that Kelley’s way was new and that that was a good way to measure. rays way was obvious because he literally coped Kelley’s. Reese’s way was creative and had good understanding even for a little kid

  31. Waves 6
    Today, I learned so many different ways to find out if a circle is perfectly round. When Mrs. Holman split us up into groups I figured out my own way to tell if a circle is perfectly round. I took a piece of string and I put the tip of that string on the midpoint of the circle and then I marked the spot where the string met the edge of my circle with my finger, then I brought the string all the way around the circle. I found out that the circle was not a perfect one because the distance from the midpoint to the edge (the RADIUS)of the circle was not all the same. Juan used a ruler to measure the DIAMETER of the circle and if all of the diameters that he measured were the same then it would be a perfect circle. Reese drew two intersecting lines across the midpoint and then connected them at the end points. If the measurements of the lines that connected them were not the same then the circle was not perfect. Nancy used REFLECTIONAL SYMMETRY to find out if the circle was perfect or not. She got a piece of paper with the circle on it and cut it out. Then she folded the circle on the midpoint and if they were uneven then that meant that they were not symmetrical, there for not a perfect circle. I wouldn't always agree with that though because what if the circle was drawn like an oval but the sides met up perfectly?

  32. Waves 3

    What I learned about circles today was that how do you know if it your circle is perfect. Kelley's group said take a piece of string and they placed it in the middle of the circle and if it meets up all the way then it is a perfect circle. My group said that if we cut a circle and then we show to mirror if it didn’t match up then it was reflectional symmetry. Juan said that we draw 2 intersecting lines through the midpoint. The lines have to be equidistant

  33. Waves 31 re-wright
    We learned different methods of making perfect Circles. One way that Kelly thought of was that you take a string, put it in the center of the Circle or the vertex. And follow the edge of the circle, and to see of it was even along the edge. Another way that Nancy thought of was to cut a circle out, and fold it in the middle right along the midpoint. If it is even when folded on top of each other, it is even. The third way that Evan thought of was to put a line though the midpoint and measure both sides, if even the circle is perfect.

  34. (Waves 25)Today in math we learned about circles we were split into eight different groups our task was to find another way to make circles.
    Before the groups began to work three people (including me) drew a circle trying to make it straight but with hand free(single hand) had to draw a perfect circle at least it had to be the size of your hand.
    Each of the groups got something different, in my group Tucker and ray Found a different way to make a circle Tucker's was he used two pro trackers he put together the pro trackers it made a circle.
    Ray used a ruler as he wrote with his pencil he moved the ruler that made a circle.
    Other groups did different than we did for example Kelly's group used a piece of a string and placed it at the midpoint of the circle stretched the string outward to the edge of the circle.
    She moved the string around the circle if it makes up all the way around, It was a perfect circle.
    Radius-midpoint to edge of circle
